
Ride Berlin

Ride Berlin
interior design full service
Studio at Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin

Ride Berlin

Ride Berlin offers full-body cycling workouts in a club-like atmosphere.

Architektur Berlin Fitness halle
colour lighting

“We created a design – has tough and precise as the workout at Ride Berlin!”

The design for the main fitness space was set in stone: black, combined with black! The only highlights are created by colour lighting. The main task was the sound proofing of the space as the studio is situated at ground floor of an old residential building. In cooperation with MMT Network, we designed a room in room concept. Heavy acoustic ceilings, reverberation walls and thick screed isolate the existing brick construction so well that music played at club volume will not be heard in the flats above.

For adequate air quality, a ventilation and air condition plant were installed in the basement.

Architektur Berlin Fitness Desk Rad
Empfang - Weiß, warmes Grau und alter Klinker

The strongest contrast possible is created in the other rooms of the studio: clean white and precious grey create lightness. Furniture, tiles and light fittings – all of a piece! Gentle highlights are created by oak elements and signate in cooperate orange.

The exposed brick wall behind the reception desk breaks the corporate design and creates a connection to the studio’s location Prenzlauer Berg.

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Leipziger Straße 56

10117 Berlin